Tuesday, February 07, 2006



Alot of new readers here. Most of who have been directed here via The Apiary.

I emailed the site a few days ago, asking help for getting me in touch with comedians or producers etc. in the U.S. A bunch of helpful people have responded since.

So far nothing major but I at least know who to contact if I ever visit the U.S. to get some performance time (tentatively hoping for summer 2007 so I have some money saved up to afford the trip). Also opening a myspace website where I can start putting up sound files and video clips.

Self-promotion needs to properly start now.

I also tried getting in touch with the Allah Made Me Funny people. If nothing else I know my emai has been forwarded to the performers. So fingers crossed there.

In other news: The Lahore-Islamabad tour is being finalized right now. Will post details and tour dates soonish. I really hope it works out, I'd love to try out audiences in the rest of the country.

Haven't written much comedy recently, or at least trying not to because of Muharram (yes, I'm Shia. No, I won't spit in your food). You'd think it is hard to write comedy while spending your evenings sitting in a car with your family as the Imam narrates a tale of tragedy and woe of epic proportions. Yet, I still came up with a dozen topics that shall be expanded upon later. Go figure.


Blogger Abbas Halai said...

hey good stuff bro. let me know if i can do anything on this side of the border for you.

7:53 AM  

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