I wrote most of the material yesterday during lunch and then wrote the final bit on the drive over to the Open-Mic. Got the idea for it while at a traffic light and pulled into a Shell Pump and scrawled it onto my cheat-sheet.
The Open-Mic went well over all. Saad did some good material as always. Some fun musical acts and a new kid doing Stand-up. He has just moved back from America and so his material is very much influenced by that. Still a bit raw and the ideas could be fleshed out better but he did alright.
Saad had me go up last to close the night and I was a tad nervous since I hadn't even memorized it fully. Did okay I think. The audience was a bit subdued so the laughs were smaller, but I expected that because the material wasn't exactly side-splitting. More witty than laugh-out-loud.
Here is the bit I wrote in the Shell Pump. Thanks to a Shell attendant for loaning me his pen.
Shallow Compliments
I hate shallow compliments. You've all heard them. Stuff like:
"He has a warm personality."
Argh. I hate that. I don't want to have a warm personality. It's so...middling. I want a Fiery personality. A volcanic personality! I want a personality that erupts and buries small Italian towns under magma.
Or conversely, I can settle for a cold personality. Really cold. Frigid. I want people to say "his personality is so cold that if you touch it your finger turns black and you have to have it amputated."
Screw "warm" personality.
"What's his personality like?"
Another one I hate is "He loves to laugh." Usually said when someone dies.
"Oh, he loved to laugh."
As opposed to whom exactly? Who is this person who hates to laugh?
"Keep your damn limericks and humorous anecdotes! I'll be in the corner kicking the damn cat."
Some compliments just don't work if you apply them to certain types of people. Like"She's so giving." Doesn't work really well when "she" has an STD.
"Dude, she gave me syphilis."
"I know, she loves to give."